ASLAtrade introduces ASLAtrade hello everyone today I will introduce a decentralized trading platform with a bolckchain-based platform and smart contracts and this is a platform with a lot of potential with what ASLAtrade is. A cryptocurrency is just like other cryptocurrencies and for everyone and all smart contract transactions, avoiding the need for partners. This mechanism solves liquidity and slips without problems. ASLAtrade currently supports mixed currencies, cryptocurrencies (long and short) and commodities. ASLA owners are encouraged to contribute their tokens when they are paid part of the fee generated through their ASLAtrade.Exchange activity, based on their contribution to the network. It is the right to participate in the network and to collect fees generated from the exchange of ASAs, from which the value of the ASLA token is derived. Trading on ASLA.Exchange does not require traders to hold OKS. It is built on the basis of blockchain and smart contracts, in which...